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Las habitaciones del riad
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Escapada de bienestar

Vengan a hacer realidad una experiencia única de tres noches en Marrakech que seguro recordarán Escapada de bienestar . Cuando toquen suelo marroquí, serán recibidos por un miembro de nuestro equipo y se beneficiarán de un servicio de transporte privado desde y hacia el aeropuerto. Disfrutarán de una deliciosa cena de bienvenida, con un suculento menú compuesto por ensaladas marroquíes, preparada con productos de temporada, seguida de otros platos como el tradicional pollo de Marrakech. Sucumban al encanto de su suite equipada con sábanas de algodón fino, toallas y envolventes y confortables albornoces, un secador y productos de tocador con aroma a azahar. . Amanezcan y comiencen el día con un fantástico desayuno marroquí  servido a la hora que más les convenga. Experimenten nuestro relajante hammam de una hora en el lujoso Hammam del Riad Star, seguido por un masaje de media hora . Y lo mejor de todo, disfrutarán del apoyo del personal del Riad que se encargará de proporcionar un servicio completo de conserjería . No lo dude, ¡reserve hoy!

La escapada de bienestar puede reservarse online para dos personas que viajen juntas compartiendo habitación (doble o matrimonial). Por favor, no duden en contact us contactarnos, ya viajen solos, en familia o en grupo de amigos que deseen compartir una habitación más grande.

Minimum stay of 3 nights required!

Escapada cultural

Marrakech ofrece mil años de cultura a solo tres horas de casa. Podrá disfrutar de nuestra “escapada cultural” con una habitación en uno de nuestros lujosos riads, con baño y ducha privados incluidos. El viaje comenzará con un traslado privado desde el aeropuerto (también incluida la vuelta) . Disfrutará de una deliciosa cena de tres platos la noche de su llegada. El desayuno se servirá a la hora que más le convenga y estará compuesto de platos típicos de la gastronomía del norte de África además de los clásicos europeos por todos conocidos. Comience su primera mañana con un recorrido a pie con una guía registrado (con licencia) de Marrakech. Disfrutará a continuación de una excursión de medio día en coche de caballos , donde recorrerá las murallas de la antigua ciudad medieval amurallada, haciendo paradas en palacios, jardines y demás puntos de interés. Se le podrá prestar un teléfono local “de pago por uso” (“pay as you go”) durante la duración de su estancia y gozará asimismo del delicioso sabor del té de menta marroquí en cualquier momento del día. ¡Desde 210 € por persona…! ¡No se lo piense y reserve hoy !

Puede reservar en línea la escapada cultural para dos personas que viajen juntas, compartiendo cama matrimonial o, si lo prefieren, dos camas individuales. . Póngase en contacto con nosotros ya viaje solo, en familia o en grupo de amigos que deseen compartir una habitación más grande o incluso un riad completo para su uso exclusivo.

Minimum stay of 3 nights required!

Gran cumpleaños

Haga de su cumpleaños una experiencia mágica en Marrakech. A tan solo tres horas de casa, no hay lugar más exótico para una escapada corta. Reserve una habitación doble, con cama matrimonial o dos dobles, o traiga amigos con usted y disfrute, si lo desea, de manera exclusiva de nuestro (su) riad. El equipo anglófono de nuestro riad estará en todo momento dispuesto a brindarle la ayuda que precise para hacer más placentera su estancia. Además, le preparará un pastel de cumpleaños .

si así lo desea. Nuestro “pack cumpleañero” incluye transporte privado desde y hacia el aeropuerto de Marrakech y una cena con tres platos típicos de Marruecos la noche de su cumpleaños (o la noche que elija para celebrarlo). Sugerimos para el evento un tajín de cordero, sin embargo, para que goce de una cena sin igual, y ya que nuestras comidas se preparan con alimentos comprados el mismo día y cocinados teniendo en cuenta las preferencias particulares de cada cliente, podrá realizar cualquier petición a nuestro equipo para que se acomode a sus preferencias o necesidades dietéticas (incluyendo dietas vegetarianas, veganas o alimentos sin gluten). Nada será molestia en su exclusivo riad de cumpleaños.

Gran valor desde 178,8 € por persona, ¡reserve hoy!

Puede reservar en línea la gran escapada de cumpleaños para dos personas que viajen juntas, compartiendo cama matrimonial o dos camas individuales, si lo desean. . Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros ya viaje solo, en familia o en grupo de amigos que deseen compartir una habitación más grande o incluso un riad completo para su uso exclusivo.

Minimum stay of 3 nights required!

Sabores de Marrakech

“Sabores de Marrakech” es una auténtica escapada de tres noches que incluye traslados privados desde y hacia el aeropuerto de Marrakech. Cena de llegada a la noche , con un menú típicamente marroquí compuesto por una ensalada elaborada con productos de temporada, un tajín de cordero, seguido de fruta fresca y dulces. Las opciones de desayuno diario incluyen delicias locales como bissara (salsa de judías/frijoles) y cordero curado de Khlear. Disfrutará también de un recorrido con guía privado de medio día de duración donde visitará el distrito de las especias, los mercados de alimentos, una panadería y los tradicionales hornos de cordero Meshwi. Y lo mejor, realizará un curso de cocina de medio día en el Riad Star, aprendiendo a cocinar dos entrantes y un plato principal. Disfrutará de té de menta de cortesía durante su estancia y de un plato de tajín Clay para llevar a casa.

Desde 238.8 € por persona. ¡Reserve hoy!

La escapada “Sabores de Marrakech” puede ser para dos personas que viajen juntas, compartiendo cama matrimonial o dos camas individuales, si lo desean. . Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros ya viaje solo, en familia o en grupo de amigos que deseen compartir una habitación más grande o incluso un riad completo para su uso exclusivo.

Minimum stay of 3 nights required!

Escapada romántica

Minimum stay of 3 nights required!

Explore Marrakech

Descubra Marrakech con el mejor pack de Bed&Breakfast de cinco noches. Traslados privados a su riad de lujo y una exclusiva cena como mejor forma de darle la bienvenida. Cinco noches con generosos desayunos a la hora que más le convenga. Haga una excursión de medio día a pie por Marrakech antes de descubrir la ciudad por su cuenta. Viva momentos para recordar con una excursión privada para visitar las espectaculares cascadas de Ouzoud en las montañas del Atlas. Sin olvidar su viaje de un día al impresionante puerto de Essaouira , famoso por personajes como Bob Marley y Lawrence de Arabia, y un tour con coche de caballos donde podrá disfrutar de los palacios, jardines y otros lugares de interés turístico. La forma perfecta de descubrir la mágica ciudad roja.

Un gran pack desde tan solo 418,8 € por persona. ¡Reserve hoy!

El paquete Descubra Marrakech se puede reservar en línea para dos personas que viajan juntas con habitación doble, bien sea con cama matrimonial o dos camas individuales. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros ya viaje solo, en familia o en grupo de amigos que deseen compartir una habitación más grande.

Minimum stay of 5 nights required!

Girls Weekend

Un descanso especial para madre e hija, una memorable celebración de cumpleaños con amigos o una despedida de soltera de primera. Cualquiera que sea la ocasión, nuestro ‘Fin de semana de chicas' es el paquete perfecto para grupos de entre 2 y 17 mujeres desde tan solo €235 por persona.
Tendrán traslados privados desde y hacia el aeropuerto de Marrakech , una cena la noche de su llegada con un menú compuesto por ensaladas tradicionales y un suculento tajín de cordero. Disfruten, cuando lo deseen, de té de menta de cortesía durante su estancia. Ofrecemos préstamo de un teléfono local y el apoyo de nuestro personal de Riad que presta un servicio de conserjería completo. ¡Reserve hoy!
El Fin de semana de chicas se puede reservar en línea para compartir habitaciones con dos camas. Contáctenos si desea reservar una habitación triple o una de nuestras suites familiares con capacidad para (hasta) seis personas

Minimum stay of 3 nights required!
There are no availabilities for this package

Habitación Rainbow

-20% 2 mín. noches  210.05€  168.04€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales

La habitación Rainbow celebra la tolerancia, diversidad y la familia adoptiva de 12 niños de diferentes naciones de Josephine. Ubicada el corazón del Riad su hermoso balcón Juliet con vista al patio. La cama se encuentra dentro de un dulce arco marroquí. Cama doble o individual (190 por 160 cm). Le encantarán los colores alegres de la decoración de la habitación y la calidad de la luz a través de la ventana con el cristal antiguo de color que la caracterizan.

The Rainbow room celebrates tolerance. diversity and Josephine’s adopted family of 12 children from different nations. Located in the heart of the Riad its pretty Juliet balcony overlooks the courtyard. The bed sits inside a classic Moroccan arch. Double bed (190 by 160cm). You will love the cheerful colours of the room decor and the quality of light through the antique coloured glass in the feature window.

Habitación Jazz

-20% 2 mín. noches  210.05€  168.04€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales

Inmensas art deco puertas de cedro con ventanas de cristal de colores que marcan el tono para esta habitación única. El tema con el cual ha sido decorada es ‘Jazz’, en la habitación se encuentran un saxofón y un clarinete por si se siente inspirado a tocar! Una cama doble o individual puede estar en la habitación, con una sala de baño propia. Consta con una chimenea al aire libre con espacio para relajarse y tener una experiencia inolvidable en Marrakech.

Huge art deco style Cedar doors with coloured glass windows set the tone for this fun room. Decorated with a ‘Jazz’ theme, you will find a Saxophone and clarinet if you feel inspired to play! A double or twin (bed 200 by 160cm) with en suite shower room. There is a on open fireplace with space to relax for an unforgettable Pamper break experience.

Huge art deco style Cedar doors with coloured glass windows set the tone for this fun room. Decorated with a ‘Jazz’ theme, you will find a Saxophone and clarinet if you feel inspired to play! A generous double bed room (200 by 160cm) with en suite shower room. There is a on open fireplace with space to relax for an unforgettable Marrakech experience.

Habitación Chiquita

-20% 2 mín. noches  240.05€  192.04€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales
(1 cama extra)

Nuestra habitación más solicitada es Chiquita. La única habitación ubicada en la terraza del Riad Star cerca de nuestro Hammam y cuarto de masaje. Nombrada después de la famosa mascota Cheetah de Josephine, Chiquita, que la acompaño en el escenario del Casino de Paris. Cama doble o individual (190 por 160 cm) una cama individual adicional puede ser proporcionada por un costo adicional (£ 20). Usted amará la hermosa chimenea y el decorado intrigante detrás de la cama.

The most suitable room for the pamper package. Chiquita is the only guest room located on the Riad Star roof terrace, near to the Hammam and Massage room. Josephine’s pet Cheetah, Chiquita, famously joined her on stage at the Casino de Paris. A double or twin room (bed 190 by 160cm) a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. You will love the fireplace and the intricately decorated arch behind the bed.

Our most requested room. Chiquita is the only guest room located on the Riad Star roof terrace, near to the Hammam and Massage room. Josephine’s pet Cheetah, Chiquita, famously joined her on stage at the Casino de Paris. A double or twin room (bed 190 by 160cm) a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. You will love the fireplace and the intricately decorated arch behind the bed.

Our most requested room. Chiquita is the only guest room located on the Riad Star roof terrace, near to the Hammam and Massage room. Josephine’s pet Cheetah, Chiquita, famously joined her on stage at the Casino de Paris. A double or twin room (bed 190 by 160cm) a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. You will love the fireplace and the intricately decorated arch behind the bed.

Our most requested room. Chiquita is the only guest room located on the Riad Star roof terrace, near to the Hammam and Massage room. Josephine’s pet Cheetah, Chiquita, famously joined her on stage at the Casino de Paris. A double or twin room (bed 190 by 160cm) a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. You will love the fireplace and the intricately decorated arch behind the bed.

A perfect love nest. Chiquita is the only guest room located on the Riad Star roof terrace, near to the Hammam and Massage room. Josephine’s pet Cheetah, Chiquita, famously joined her on stage at the Casino de Paris. A double bed ( 190 by 160cm). You will love the cosy sitting area with fireplace and the intricately decorated arch behind the bed.

Our most requested room. Chiquita is the only guest room located on the Riad Star roof terrace, near to the Hammam and Massage room. Josephine’s pet Cheetah, Chiquita, famously joined her on stage at the Casino de Paris. A double or twin room (bed 190 by 160cm) a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. You will love the fireplace and the intricately decorated arch behind the bed.

Habitation Peace

-20% 2 mín. noches  240.05€  192.04€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales
(1 cama extra)

El primer piso proporciona un refugio tranquilo y pacífico, ideal como espacio de meditación y calma. Puede interconectarse con la habitación Liberty. El sofá se puede hacer cama para acoger a una tercera persona al precio de 24 euros, incluyendo desayuno. La habitación PEACE es similar a la habitación GRACE, en el segundo piso.

This first floor room provides a tranquil and peaceful retreat complemented by a beautiful calm meditation pod. It can be interconnecting with the Liberty room. The sofa can be made up as a bed for a third person at an extra cost. The Peace room has similar accommodation to the second floor Grace Room.

This first floor room provides a tranquil and peaceful retreat complemented by a beautiful calm meditation pod. It can be interconnecting with the Liberty room. The sofa can be made up as a bed for a third person at an extra cost including breakfast. The Peace room has similar accommodation to the second floor Grace Room.

This first floor room provides a tranquil and peaceful retreat complemented by a beautiful calm meditation pod. It can be interconnecting with the Liberty room. The sofa can be made up as a bed for a third person at an extra cost including breakfast. The Peace room has similar accommodation to the second floor Grace Room.

This first floor room provides a tranquil and peaceful retreat complemented by a beautiful calm meditation pod. It can be interconnecting with the Liberty room. The sofa can be made up as a bed for a third person at an extra cost. The Peace room has similar accommodation to the second floor Grace Room.

This first floor room provides a tranquil and peaceful retreat complemented by a beautiful calm meditation pod. The room features a cosy sitting area located in the traditional menzeh balcony. The Peace room has similar accommodation to the second floor Grace Room.

This first floor room provides a tranquil and peaceful retreat complemented by a beautiful calm meditation pod. It can be interconnecting with the Liberty room. The sofa can be made up as a bed for a third person at an extra cost. The Peace room has similar accommodation to the second floor Grace Room.

Habitation Liberty

-20% 2 mín. noches  240.05€  192.04€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales
(1 cama extra)

Le encantará la sensación de amplitud y luminosidad de esta habitación del primer piso, que puede ofrecerse como doble (cama doble o dos individuales) o triple. La habitación Liberty puede interconectarse con la habitación Peace. Se puede preparar una cama para una tercera persona, al coste de 24 euros adicionales.

You will love the light airy spacious feel of this first floor room which can be offered as a double, twin or triple. The Liberty room can be interconnecting with the Peace room. A bed for a third person can be arranged at an extra cost.

You will love the light airy spacious feel of this first floor room which can be offered as a double, twin or triple. The Liberty room can be interconnecting with the Peace room. A bed for a third person can be arranged at an extra cost .

You will love the light airy spacious feel of this first floor room which can be offered as a double, twin or triple. The Liberty room can be interconnecting with the Peace room. A bed for a third person can be arranged at an extra cost .

You will love the light airy spacious feel of this first floor room which can be offered as a double, twin or triple. The Liberty room can be interconnecting with the Peace room. A bed for a third person can be arranged at an extra cost.

You will love the light airy spacious feel of this first floor room which can be offered as a romantic double.

You will love the light airy spacious feel of this first floor room which can be offered as a double, twin or triple. The Liberty room can be interconnecting with the Peace room. A bed for a third person can be arranged at an extra cost.

Habitation Grace

-20% 2 mín. noches  240.05€  192.04€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales
(1 cama extra)

Esta habitación tiene un aire acondicionado de lujo así como unos detalles de madera trabajados con gracia, y unos acabados de yeso diseñados por algunos de los mejores artesanos de Marruecos. Una importante característica a destacar es la cápsula de meditación que tardó un mes en tallarse a mano. Esta habitación doble del segundo piso (con cama doble o dos individuales) tiene la posibilidad de hacerse triple con un coste de extra de 24 €. La habitación Grace puede interconectarse con la habitación Harmony.

This room has an air of luxury as well as grace featuring woodwork and plaster-work by some of Morocco's finest craftsmen. An outstanding feature is the meditation pod which took a month to hand carve. A second floor double or twin room with a sofa by the window which can make a third bed at an extra cost. The Grace room can be interconnecting with the Harmony Room

This room has an air of luxury as well as grace featuring woodwork and plaster-work by some of Morocco's finest craftsmen. An outstanding feature is the meditation pod which took a month to hand carve. A second floor double or twin room with a sofa by the window which can make a third bed at an extra charge. The Grace room can be interconnecting with the Harmony Room

This room has an air of luxury as well as grace featuring woodwork and plaster-work by some of Morocco's finest craftsmen. An outstanding feature is the meditation pod which took a month to hand carve. A second floor double or twin room with a sofa by the window which can make a third bed at an extra charge. The Grace room can be interconnecting with the Harmony Room

This room has an air of luxury as well as grace featuring woodwork and plaster-work by some of Morocco's finest craftsmen. An outstanding feature is the meditation pod which took a month to hand carve. A second floor double or twin room with a sofa by the window which can make a third bed at an extra charge. The Grace room can be interconnecting with the Harmony Room

This room has an air of luxury as well as grace featuring woodwork and plaster-work by some of Morocco's finest craftsmen. An outstanding feature is the meditation pod which took a month to hand carve. A second floor double room with a sofa by the window.

This room has an air of luxury as well as grace featuring woodwork and plaster-work by some of Morocco's finest craftsmen. An outstanding feature is the meditation pod which took a month to hand carve. A second floor double or twin room with a sofa by the window which can make a third bed at an extra charge. The Grace room can be interconnecting with the Harmony Room

Habitation Harmony

-20% 2 mín. noches  240.05€  192.04€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales
(1 cama extra)

Una espaciosa habitación en el segundo piso con hermosos acabados en yeso y un balcón tradicional “Menzeh”. Como las otras habitaciones del Riad Star, la habitación Harmony puede contar con una gran cama matrimonial o dos dobles. Además, también se puede habilitar otra cama individual extra para hacerla triple con un cargo extra de 24€. Esta habitación se puede conectar con la habitación Grace.

A spacious second floor room with beautiful decorated plaster-work and a traditional Menzeh balcony. Like the other rooms at Riad Star the Harmony Room can be made up as a Queen sized double or a generous twin, and a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. The Harmony room can be interconnecting with the Grace room.

A spacious second floor room with beautiful decorated plaster-work and a traditional Menzeh balcony. Like the other rooms at Riad Star the Harmony Room can be made up as a Queen sized double or a generous twin, and a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. The Harmony room can be interconnecting with the Grace room.

A spacious second floor room with beautiful decorated plaster-work and a traditional Menzeh balcony. Like the other rooms at Riad Star the Harmony Room can be made up as a Queen sized double or a generous twin, and a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. The Harmony room can be interconnecting with the Grace room.

A spacious second floor room with beautiful decorated plaster-work and a traditional Menzeh balcony. Like the other rooms at Riad Star the Harmony Room can be made up as a Queen sized double or a generous twin, and a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. The Harmony room can be interconnecting with the Grace room.

A spacious second floor room with beautiful decorated plaster-work and a traditional Menzeh balcony. Like the other rooms at Riad Star the Harmony Room can be made up as a romantic Queen sized double.

A spacious second floor room with beautiful decorated plaster-work and a traditional Menzeh balcony. Like the other rooms at Riad Star the Harmony Room can be made up as a Queen sized double or a generous twin, and a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. The Harmony room can be interconnecting with the Grace room.

Habitación Paris

-20% 2 mín. noches  270.06€  216.05€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales
(1 cama extra)

Una glamorosa habitación celebrando la era de oro del Casino de París Music Hall. Una cama generosa doble o individual ( 2 m por 160 cm) una cama individual adicional puede ser proporcionada por un costo adicional (£ 20). Atractiva para el extrovertido en todos nosotros, la decoración incluye un impresionante tocado de plumas de color rojo usado en la etapa de París. Disfrute de la atmósfera, mientras disfruta de un té de menta en nuestra amplia sala de estar.

A glamorous room celebrating the golden age of the Casino de Paris Music Hall. Generous double or twin (bed 200 by 160cm) a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. Appealing to the extrovert in all us, the decor includes a stunning red feathered head-dress worn on the Paris stage. Take in the atmosphere as you enjoy a mint tea in the spacious sitting area.

A glamorous room celebrating the golden age of the Casino de Paris Music Hall. Generous double or twin (bed 200 by 160cm) a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. Appealing to the extrovert in all us, the decor includes a stunning red feathered head-dress worn on the Paris stage. Take in the atmosphere as you enjoy a mint tea in the spacious sitting area.

A glamorous room celebrating the golden age of the Casino de Paris Music Hall. Generous double or twin (bed 200 by 160cm) a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. Appealing to the extrovert in all us, the decor includes a stunning red feathered head-dress worn on the Paris stage. Take in the atmosphere as you enjoy a mint tea in the spacious sitting area.

A glamorous room celebrating the golden age of the Casino de Paris Music Hall. Generous double or twin (bed 200 by 160cm) a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. Appealing to the extrovert in all us, the decor includes a stunning red feathered head-dress worn on the Paris stage. Take in the atmosphere as you enjoy a mint tea in the spacious sitting area.

A glamorous room celebrating the golden age of the Casino de Paris Music Hall. Generous double bed (200 by 160cm). Appealing to the extrovert in all us, the decor includes a stunning red feathered head-dress worn on the Paris stage. Take in the atmosphere as you enjoy a mint tea in the spacious sitting area.

A glamorous room celebrating the golden age of the Casino de Paris Music Hall. Generous double or twin (bed 200 by 160cm) a further single bed can be provided at an extra charge. Appealing to the extrovert in all us, the decor includes a stunning red feathered head-dress worn on the Paris stage. Take in the atmosphere as you enjoy a mint tea in the spacious sitting area.

Habitación Star

-20% 2 mín. noches  270.06€  216.05€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales
(1 cama extra)

Densamente decorada con impresionantes tallados a mano de yeso, esta amplia habitación es verdaderamente digna para una estrella. Una cama doble o individual puede estar en la habitación (cama 190 por 150 cm) con una acogedora zona de estar, el sofá se puede utilizar como una tercera cama con un cargo extra (£ 20). Ventanas dobles miran hacia el tranquilo patio del Riad, mientras la sala de baño tiene una ventana discreta hacia la calle bulliciosa de Marrakech. Esta habitación puede estar interconectada con la habitación Josephine.

Heavily decorated with stunning hand carved plaster-work this spacious room is truly fit for a Star. A double or twin (bed 190 by 150cm) with a cosy seating area, the sofa can be made as a third bed for an additional charge. Double windows overlook the peaceful Riad courtyard while the en suite shower has a discrete window onto the bustling Marrakech street. Can be interconnecting with the Josephine room.

Heavily decorated with stunning hand carved plasterwork this spacious room is truly fit for a Star. A double or twin (bed 190 by 150cm) with a cosy seating area, the sofa can be made as a third bed at an extra charge. Double windows overlook the peaceful Riad courtyard while the en suite shower has a discrete window onto the bustling Marrakech street. Can be interconnecting with the Josephine room.

Heavily decorated with stunning hand carved plasterwork this spacious room is truly fit for a Star. A double or twin (bed 190 by 150cm) with a cosy seating area, the sofa can be made as a third bed at an extra charge. Double windows overlook the peaceful Riad courtyard while the en suite shower has a discrete window onto the bustling Marrakech street. Can be interconnecting with the Josephine room.

Heavily decorated with stunning hand carved plasterwork this spacious room is truly fit for a Star. A double or twin (bed 190 by 150cm) with a cosy seating area, the sofa can be made as a third bed at an extra charge. Double windows overlook the peaceful Riad courtyard while the en suite shower has a discrete window onto the bustling Marrakech street. Can be interconnecting with the Josephine room.

Heavily decorated with stunning hand carved plaster-work this spacious room is truly fit for a Star. A double bed (190 by 150 cm) with a cosy seating area. Double windows overlook the peaceful Riad courtyard while the en suite shower has a discrete window onto the bustling Marrakech street.

Heavily decorated with stunning hand carved plasterwork this spacious room is truly fit for a Star. A double or twin (bed 190 by 150cm) with a cosy seating area, the sofa can be made as a third bed at an extra charge. Double windows overlook the peaceful Riad courtyard while the en suite shower has a discrete window onto the bustling Marrakech street. Can be interconnecting with the Josephine room.

Habitación Josephine

-20% 2 mín. noches  270.06€  216.05€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales

Inusualmente para Marrakech esta habitación tiene una ventana con vista a la calle. Se cree que el Pashah de Marrakech le pagaba a niños para que se sentaran fuera de la ventana de Josefina y para que le leyeran mientras estaba convaleciente. Una romántica cama doble o individual, con una amplia sala de baño con ducha y bañera. La decoración es tradicional marroquí con las comodidades del siglo 21. Esta habitación puede estar interconectada con la habitación Star.

Unusually for Marrakech this room has a window onto the street. It is believed the Pashah of Marrakech paid children to sit outside Josephine’s window and read for her while she was convalescing. A romantic double or twin (bed 190 by 150cm), ideal for a pamper break shared with your partner, with spacious en suite featuring shower and tub. Traditional Moroccan decor with 21st century comforts. Can be interconnecting with the Star room.

The most romantic room in Marrakech. Unusually, this room has a window onto the street. It is believed the Pashah of Marrakech paid children to sit outside Josephine’s window and read for her while she was convalescing. A romantic double bed (190 by 150cm), with spacious en suite featuring shower and tub. Traditional Moroccan decor with 21st century comforts.

Habitación Charleston

-20% 2 mín. noches  270.06€  216.05€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales
(1 cama extra)

La habitación Charleston te transportará a los locos años veintes. Con la sala de estar y la habitación separada esta elegante mini suite esta ubicada en el patio de la planta baja, cerca de la piscina. Cama doble o individual (2m por 150 cm) el sofá puede ser utilizado como una tercera cama por un costo adicional (£ 20). La optimista decoración evocadora de la era del Jazz con pantallas de lámparas con borlas hechas a mano y una antigua estatua de una flapper.

The Charleston room transports you back to the roaring twenties. With separate sleeping area and sitting room this elegant mini suite is located on the ground floor patio, near the dipping pool. Double or twin (bed 200 by 150cm) the sofa can be made as a third bed at an extra charge. The elegant decor is evocative of the Jazz age with hand made tasselled lampshades and a vintage statue of a flapper dancing.

The Charleston room transports you back to the roaring twenties. With separate sleeping area and sitting room this elegant mini suite is located on the ground floor patio, near the dipping pool. Double or twin (bed 200 by 150cm) the sofa can be made as a third bed at an extra charge. The elegant decor is evocative of the Jazz age with hand made tasselled lampshades and a vintage statue of a flapper dancing.

The Charlston room transports you back to the roaring twenties. With separate sleeping area and sitting room this elegant mini suite is located on the ground floor patio, near the dipping pool. Double or twin (bed 200 by 150cm) the sofa can be made as a third bed at an extra charge. The elegant decor is evocative of the Jazz age with hand made tasselled lampshades and a vintage statue of a flapper dancing.

The Charlston room transports you back to the roaring twenties. With separate sleeping area and sitting room this elegant mini suite is located on the ground floor patio, near the dipping pool. Double or twin (bed 200 by 150cm) the sofa can be made as a third bed at an extra charge. The elegant decor is evocative of the Jazz age with hand made tasselled lampshades and a vintage statue of a flapper dancing.

The Charleston room transports you back to the roaring twenties. With separate sleeping area and sitting room this elegant mini suite is located on the ground floor patio, near the dipping pool. Double bed (200 by 150cm). The elegant decor is evocative of the Jazz age with hand made tasselled lampshades and a vintage statue of a flapper dancing.

The Charlston room transports you back to the roaring twenties. With separate sleeping area and sitting room this elegant mini suite is located on the ground floor patio, near the dipping pool. Double or twin (bed 200 by 150cm) the sofa can be made as a third bed at an extra charge. The elegant decor is evocative of the Jazz age with hand made tasselled lampshades and a vintage statue of a flapper dancing.

Habitacion Ebony

-20% 2 mín. noches  330.07€  264.06€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales
(4 camas extras)

La habitación Ebony es la más grande del Riad Star, una suite completa ubicada en el primer piso que puede proporcionar un retiro lujoso para una pareja o un hospedaje fabuloso también para una familia de hasta seis personas. Se trata de un espacio a doble altura, donde podrá encontrar arriba una cama doble. Este espacio superior también puede ser acondicionado como una sala de estar. Disfrute de la luz de la ventana central y admire la decoración tradicional trabajada con yeso del techo y las impresionantes lámparas estilo de Fez.

En el otro extremo de la habitación debajo del entresuelo se encuentra una acogedora sala de estar con TV satélite y dos sofás que pueden ser ambos convertidos en cama. Fuera de este área, a la izquierda, hay una puerta de entrada al baño principal con su lujosa bañera y ducha en cascada. A la derecha de la sala de estar podrá encontrar una pequeña escalera que le llevara al área privada para dormir (cama doble o dos individuales). Hay cortinas para privatizar el área durante la noche. Esta zona tiene su propio baño y ducha.

Se pueden hospedar hasta cuatro personas extra al coste de 24 euros cada una, incluyendo desayunos. At the far end of the room under the mezzanine ceiling is a cosy sitting area with satellite TV and two sofas which can both be made beds. Off this area to the left is a doorway to the principal bathroom with its luxurious tub and concealed waterfall shower. On the right side of the sitting area a small staircase leads up to the private sleeping area (double or twin bed) there are curtains to close this area off at night time. The private sleeping area has its own conveniently placed toilet and shower room.

Up to four extra people can be accommodated at a cost of £20 each including breakfasts.

Ebony Room is the largest room at Riad Star, a full suite located on the first floor which can provide a luxury retreat for a couple or fabulous accommodation for a family of up to six people. Enter into the double height principal space, shown above a double bed this can also be furnished as a living room. Enjoy the light from the central window and admire the traditional decorated plaster ceiling with intricately decorated Fez style lamps.

At the far end of the room under the mezzanine ceiling is a cosy sitting area with satellite TV and two sofas which can both be made beds. Off this area to the left is a doorway to the principal bathroom with its luxurious tub and concealed waterfall shower. On the right side of the sitting area a small staircase leads up to the private sleeping area (double or twin bed) there are curtains to close this area off at night time. The private sleeping area has its own conveniently placed toilet and shower room.

Up to four extra people can be accommodated at an additional cost

Ebony Room is the largest room at Riad Star, a full suite located on the first floor which can provide a luxury retreat for a couple or fabulous accommodation for a family of up to six people. Enter into the double height principal space, shown above a double bed this can also be furnished as a living room. Enjoy the light from the central window and admire the traditional decorated plaster ceiling with intricately decorated Fez style lamps.

At the far end of the room under the mezzanine ceiling is a cosy sitting area with satellite TV and two sofas which can both be made beds. Off this area to the left is a doorway to the principal bathroom with its luxurious tub and concealed waterfall shower. On the right side of the sitting area a small staircase leads up to the private sleeping area (double or twin bed) there are curtains to close this area off at night time. The private sleeping area has its own conveniently placed toilet and shower room.

Up to four extra people can be accommodated at an additional cost

Ebony Room is the largest room at Riad Star, a full suite located on the first floor which can provide a luxury retreat for a couple or fabulous accommodation for a family of up to six people. Enter into the double height principal space, shown above a double bed this can also be furnished as a living room. Enjoy the light from the central window and admire the traditional decorated plaster ceiling with intricately decorated Fez style lamps.

At the far end of the room under the mezzanine ceiling is a cosy sitting area with satellite TV and two sofas which can both be made beds. Off this area to the left is a doorway to the principal bathroom with its luxurious tub and concealed waterfall shower. On the right side of the sitting area a small staircase leads up to the private sleeping area (double or twin bed) there are curtains to close this area off at night time. The private sleeping area has its own conveniently placed toilet and shower room.

Up to four extra people can be accommodated at an additional cost

Ebony Room is the largest room at Riad Star, a full suite located on the first floor which can provide a luxury retreat for a couple or fabulous accommodation for a family of up to six people.Enter into the double height principal space, shown above a double bed this can also be furnished as a living room. Enjoy the light from the central window and admire the traditional decorated plaster ceiling with intricately decorated Fez style lamps. At the far end of the room under the mezzanine ceiling is a cosy sitting area with satellite tv and two sofas which can both be made beds. Off this area to the left is a doorway to the principal bathroom with its luxurious tub and concealed waterfall shower.On the right side of the sitting area a small staircase leads up to the private sleeping area (double or twin bed) there are curtains to close this area off at night time. The private sleeping area has its own conveniently placed toilet and shower room. Up to four extra people can be accommodated at an extra cost

Ebony Room is the largest room at Riad Star, a full suite located on the first floor which can provide a luxury retreat for a couple or fabulous accommodation for a family of up to six people. Enter into the double height principal space, shown above a double bed this can also be furnished as a living room. Enjoy the light from the central window and admire the traditional decorated plaster ceiling with intricately decorated Fez style lamps. At the far end of the room under the mezzanine ceiling is a cosy sitting area with satellite tv and two sofas which can both be made beds. Off this area to the left is a doorway to the principal bathroom with its luxurious tub and concealed waterfall shower.On the right side of the sitting area a small staircase leads up to the private sleeping area (double or twin bed) there are curtains to close this area off at night time. The private sleeping area has its own conveniently placed toilet and shower room.

Ebony Room is the largest room at Riad Star, a full suite located on the first floor which can provide a luxury retreat for a couple or fabulous accommodation for a family of up to six people. Enter into the double height principal space, shown above a double bed this can also be furnished as a living room. Enjoy the light from the central window and admire the traditional decorated plaster ceiling with intricately decorated Fez style lamps. At the far end of the room under the mezzanine ceiling is a cosy sitting area with satellite tv and two sofas which can both be made beds. Off this area to the left is a doorway to the principal bathroom with its luxurious tub and concealed waterfall shower.On the right side of the sitting area a small staircase leads up to the private sleeping area (double or twin bed) there are curtains to close this area off at night time. The private sleeping area has its own conveniently placed toilet and shower room. Up to four extra people can be accommodated at an extra cost.

Habitacion Ivory

-20% 2 mín. noches  330.07€  264.06€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
2 personas - 1 cama doble o 2 camas individuales
(3 camas extras)

La habitación Ivory en el Riad Star representa el retiro africano perfecto. Una habitación completa ubicada en la planta baja con espacio a doble altura y una excelente decoración trabajada con yeso tanto en la pared como en el techo.
Si necesita un lugar de trabajo durante su visita a Marrakech, la habitación Ivory es la opción perfecta para usted. Siéntese en el hermoso escritorio de granito negro y disfrute de conexión WiFi de primera calidad.

Una discreta escalera interna le llevará a la zona de dormitorio, que cuenta con baño privado. También tiene a su disposición unas bonitas cortinas si desea crear un ambiente más reservado e íntimo. La zona dormitorio tiene un baño privado (además del baño principal de la planta baja). Los espacios pueden ser acondicionados como dormitorios (con camas doble o dos individuales) para acoger a una familia o grupo.

Se podrá hospedar a una o dos personas extras con un coste de 24 euros cada una, incluyendo desayuno.

The Ivory Room at Riad Star is the perfect African retreat. A full suite located on the ground floor with double height living space featuring stunning decorated plaster on a feature wall and on the ceiling.

If you need a work-space during your Marrakech visit the Ivory Room is the perfect choice for you. Sit at the beautiful black granite desk and connect to complimentary wifi.

A discreet internal staircase leads to a private sleeping area with a private shower room. Curtains can be drawn across for privacy. The sleeping area has a private shower room (in addition to the main shower room downstairs).The double height living space can be furnished as a bedroom (double or twin) to accommodate a family or group.

One or two extra people can be accommodated for a modest extra fee.

The Ivory Room at Riad Star is the perfect African retreat. A full suite located on the ground floor with double height living space featuring stunning decorated plaster on a feature wall and on the ceiling.

If you need a work-space during your Marrakech visit the Ivory Room is the perfect choice for you. Sit at the beautiful black granite desk and connect to complimentary wifi.

A discreet internal staircase leads to a private sleeping area with a private shower room. Curtains can be drawn across for privacy. The sleeping area has a private shower room (in addition to the main shower room downstairs).The double height living space can be furnished as a bedroom (double or twin) to accommodate a family or group.

One or two extra people can be accommodated for a modest extra fee.

The Ivory Room at Riad Star is the perfect African retreat. A full suite located on the ground floor with double height living space featuring stunning decorated plaster on a feature wall and on the ceiling.

If you need a work-space during your Marrakech visit the Ivory Room is the perfect choice for you. Sit at the beautiful black granite desk and connect to complimentary wifi.

A discreet internal staircase leads to a private sleeping area with a private shower room. Curtains can be drawn across for privacy. The sleeping area has a private shower room (in addition to the main shower room downstairs).The double height living space can be furnished as a bedroom (double or twin) to accommodate a family or group.

One or two extra people can be accommodated for a modest extra fee.

he Ivory Room at Riad Star is the perfect African retreat. A full suite located on the ground floor with double height living space featuring stunning decorated plaster on a feature wall and on the ceiling.If you need a work-space during your Marrakech visit the Ivory Room is the perfect choice for you. Sit at the beautiful black granite desk and connect to complimentary wifi. A discreet internal staircase leads to a private sleeping area with a private shower room. Curtains can be drawn across for privacy. The sleeping area has a private shower room (in addition to the main shower room downstairs).The double height living space can be furnished as a bedroom (double or twin) to accommodate a family or group. One or two extra people can be accommodated at an extra cost.

The Ivory Room at Riad Star is the perfect African retreat. A full suite located on the ground floor with double height living space featuring stunning decorated plaster on a feature wall and on the ceiling.If you need a work-space during your Marrakech visit the Ivory Room is the perfect choice for you. Sit at the beautiful black granite desk and connect to complimentary wifi. A discreet internal staircase leads to a private sleeping area with a private shower room. Curtains can be drawn across for privacy. The sleeping area has a private shower room (in addition to the main shower room downstairs).The double height living space can be furnished as a bedroom (double or twin) to accommodate a family or group.

The Ivory Room at Riad Star is the perfect African retreat. A full suite located on the ground floor with double height living space featuring stunning decorated plaster on a feature wall and on the ceiling.If you need a work-space during your Marrakech visit the Ivory Room is the perfect choice for you. Sit at the beautiful black granite desk and connect to complimentary wifi. A discreet internal staircase leads to a private sleeping area with a private shower room. Curtains can be drawn across for privacy. The sleeping area has a private shower room (in addition to the main shower room downstairs).The double height living space can be furnished as a bedroom (double or twin) to accommodate a family or group. One or two extra people can be accommodated at an extra cost.

Entero riad Star

-20% 3 mín. noches  3,360.74€  2,688.59€ /noche
0 noche 94.82€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
0 noche 94.22€ per person
0 noche 66.01€ per person
0 noche 178.24€ per person
0 noche 35.41€ per person
de 01 septiembre al 20 diciembre
38 personas - 13 camas dobles o 26 camas individuales
(12 camas extras)

Reserve todo el riad es una fantástica manera de disfrutar de Marrakech. Riad estrella con capacidad para 38 personas con comodidad (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3). Muchos de nuestros clientes pueden descubrir Marrakech primero como pareja y volver más tarde con la familia o amigos.

The ultimate pamper break experience. Take advantage of the exclusive use of Riad Star and enjoy our dedicated teams complete attention. It can comfortably accommodate 26 people in thirteen double or twin guest rooms each with its own personality, all providing outstanding facilities.

The ultimate Culture break experience. Take advantage of the exclusive use of Riad Star and enjoy our dedicated teams complete attention. It can comfortably accommodate 26 people in thirteen double or twin guest rooms each with its own personality, all providing outstanding facilities.

What better way to celebrate your birthday. Take advantage of the exclusive use of Riad Star and enjoy our dedicated teams complete attention. It can comfortably accommodate 26 people in thirteen double or twin guest rooms each with its own personality, all providing outstanding facilities.

A whole Riad booking is a fantastic way to enjoy Marrakech. Riad Star sleeps up to 13 couples in comfort. Many of our guests discover Marrakech as a couple and later return with family or friends.

Descripción y servicios

Mágico Marrakech es uno de los mundos mejores destinos. Riad Star es el más nuevo y más vibrante hotel Riad en la Ciudad Roja. Una residencia de una sola vez de la estrella del vodevil, actriz, héroe de la resistencia francesa y pionero de los derechos civiles Josephine Baker, Riad Star es una celebración del espíritu humano.
Le encantará la intimidad de la Riad con sólo 13 habitaciones y un personal atento a su disposición para ayudarle a sacar el máximo provecho de su estancia. Los huéspedes podrán disfrutar de comidas caseras y uno de los mejores desayunos en Marruecos.
Una terraza privada en la azotea con zona de estar más con chimenea al aire libre, espacio para relajarse y tumbonas para tomar el sol de Marrakech.
Lo mejor de todo es hammam y masaje suite del Riad, el último lujo de Marrakech, a pocos pasos cortos desde la comodidad de su habitación.
Riad Star ofrece alojamiento muy versátil. Todas las habitaciones pueden ser dobles o individuales, la mayoría pueden ser triples haciendo el perfecto Riad para grupos de amigos. La sala de Josephine y sala estrella pueden interconectar que es ideal para familias. El comedor cuenta con espejos de cuerpo entero y hace un estudio de baile impresionante. Nuestra piscina de inmersión puede ser cubierto dejando el patio libre para yoga, o partes de la ocasión especial. Incluso tenemos la opción de cubrir el patio con un techo de laminación secreto que garantiza el éxito de su evento en todos los tiempos.

Servicios adicionales
  • Traslado al aeropuerto : 18.00€ por viaje para 2/3 personas
  • Desayuno : incluído
  • Masaje : 30.01€
  • Hammam : 30.01€
  • Almuerzo : 9.60€
  • Cama auxiliar / dia : 24.01€
  • Cena : 19.20€ /pers.
Idiomas hablados
  • Inglés
  • Francés
Formas de pago
  • American Express
  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • Al contado : Sterling, euros, dirhams marroquíes
Servicios del establecimiento
  • Abierto 24h/7 días
  • Comedor privado
  • Cunas disponibles
  • Wifi
Habitaciones dotadas de
  • Wifi
  • Aire Acondicionado
  • Caja fuerte
  • Secador de pelo
  • TV / DVD
  • Terraza privada
Spa & Wellness
  • Hammam
  • Masajes
  • Terraza / Solarium
  • Piscina de relajación
  • TV
Actividades de cercanía
  • Excursiones : Bajo demanda
  • Tours : Bajo demanda
  • Estilo marroquí
  • Desayuno en la habitación
Cerca de
  • Plaza de Jemaa-El-Fna : 10 minutos del pie

Críticas de viajeros

Las calificaciones y los comentarios están escritos exclusivamente por los clientes que se han alojado en este Riad.

Valoración global del riad : 9.6 (51  críticas)

MARIA MATILDE - España 8.8
Me sentido muy cómoda y segura con la escolta que el personal del hotel nos ha proporcionado.. Cualquier cosa que hemos necesitado se nos ha proporcionado al momento. Tanto Aciz como su compañero son excelentes cumplidores de su trabajo. También el resto del equipo son unos excelentes trabajadores y muy profesionales.
Patricia - Reino Unido 9.6
A true star in the Medina! I loved it!
Sean - Estados Unidos 10
We booked the whole Riad for my special birthday and it was great. The dinner on the first night was delicious, I got a suprize birthday cake from the staff, nice relaxed evening on the roof terrace. It is magical
Ben - Reino Unido 10
We had the most wonderful time at Riad Star! Aziz and the ladies made our stay very comfortable. nothing was too much trouble; I loved the décor of the riad and especially the connection with Josephine Baker; Great location very close to the souks, the museum, qouba and the square.
Veronica - Reino Unido 10
We had a great time at Riad Star. the staff could not have been more helpful, the food was the best we had in Morocco. Great location too; their iphone app was a real life saver! I highly recommend this riad.


Política de reservas y cancelaciones

In the event of a reservation cancellation, Riad Star will apply the following cancellation policy and will charge any applicable fees to the client credit card used during the reservation process :

You will be eligible for an 75% refund if you cancel 28 days or more before your arrival date*. If you decide to cancel 8 – 27 days before your arrival date, you can request a 50% refund*. Customers who cancel their bookings less than 8 days before their arrival date will be responsible for the payment of the full booking amount.

*The refund amount is expressed as a percentage of your booking total.

Cancellation Requested % of Total Booking Price that is Refundable
28 days or more before arrival date 75%
8 – 27 days before arrival date 50%
0 – 7 days before arrival date 0%

Tasas turísticas

Tasa de Promoción Turística : 2.40€/pers./noche